MucKuk Pad Thai NJ

Thai, Asian & Pad thai food in Rutherford

We offer Takeout


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About MucKuk Pad Thai NJ

Indulge in the finest Pad Thai experience at MucKuk Pad Thai NJ. Our pride lies in our signature MucKuk Rice Stick Noodles, made from 100% Thai white rice flour using traditional methods, delivering unmatched tenderness. Unlike common rice noodles, ours contain no added preservatives. Savor the true taste of Thailand with our authentic Pad Thai, a testament to our dedication to quality.

Now, you can enjoy our exquisite Pad Thai from the comfort of your home with our convenient online ordering and delivery service. Explore the world of MucKuk PadThai and experience Pad Thai like never before, delivered right to your doorstep.

Join us for an unforgettable culinary journey, where every plate of Pad Thai tells a story of tradition, excellence, and dedication to quality. Thank you for being part of our commitment to providing the best Pad Thai near your home. Your support is truly appreciated.

Opening hours

Monday, Wednesday - Sunday
11:00 AM - 04:00 PM
05:00 PM - 08:45 PM

NEW! Online ordering

Online ordering NOW enabled for pick-up or delivery. Just tell us what you want and we'll prepare it as fast as we can. All orders are manually confirmed by us directly. Find out in real-time when your food is ready. Watch on-screen when your food is ready for pickup or when it gets delivered.